They say that in the music industry, you’ve gotta keep your eyes peeled, since you never know where the next big hit will come from. And while we know that’s true, we can safely say we know where the next big hit you’ll be listening to is coming from, and that is Toronto-born singer and songwriter PRADO. Her latest release “They Made You For Me” has a gorgeous, addictive quality to it that we just know our readers are going to love. The beat is slick, and somehow manages to perfectly capture and embody what it is to be in love, and feel like the other person was made especially for you. 

The tune, which just recently released across streaming platforms worldwide attests PRADO’s skill and tenacity as a musician, but also as a highly gifted lyrical composer. Here, you’ve got this gorgeous, killer voice that can sing properly, in a way that’ll have you hooked and coming back for more. But you’ve also got a composer of incredible tenderness. PRADO is someone who isn’t afraid to show her vulnerable side to her audience, and that’s precisely what she’s doing with “They Made You For Me”. She’s showing you exactly how she feels, and she does so with courage and taste, in a way that few artists so young can afford to. 

And we think that unique courage is what’s going to cement PRADO’s name in music history. It’s not necessarily the lyrics, or the rhythm of this highly tasteful track. It’s not necessarily just the courage to open up your heart to the world, and say look, this is who I am, now what are you gonna do about it? And PRADO does. She’s got the ability to do that in bucket-loads. 

What will chisel this wonderfully talented young artist, and ensure that she goes down as one of the modern greats of the RnB and pop genres. 

Got you hooked for more? We bet. So do yourself a favor, and check out “They Made You For Me” right now, why don’t ya?