We all have to begin our new careers somewhere – and, for Olivia Rees, her career in the music industry began at the tender age of just 12 years. However, if her early involvement in the music industry alone wasn’t impressive enough, she also achieved great results from a fully self-taught schedule, teaching herself how to play both the piano and the guitar – something that’s no small feat overall. As such, this gives excellent credibility to her career, and it’s a talent that undeniably rings true with her truly phenomenal music. 

Olivia Rees has only recently branched out into sharing her songs with the world through digital means. Still, her first song, “It’s Over,” has already achieved a huge following for its unique combination of upbeat sounds and melodic, solemn lyrics. This gives the song a wonderfully captivating nature, leaving listeners to learn more about Rees’s tales and experiences. 

Her personal experiences and motivations inspire every song that Olivia Rees writes. With an intoxicating sound that immediately hooks the listener’s attention, it’s easy to see why her early efforts have been met with success. However, when she’s not writing new songs, Rees still continues to share her talents with the world, performing in countless venues and clubs from her hometown in Toronto. 

We’ve seen excellent things thus far from Olivia Rees during her early career, and it seems evident that she’ll continue to achieve great things in the future of her musical pursuits. As such, we wish her all of the best, and we hope to see more from her in the months and years to come.